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Youtube playlist of these entries
Bitcoin - the future of money
Henry Brade
Digital painting, agile concept…
Jenni Saarinen
Mobile development in Unity - w…
Russ Morris
Four successes in a row can't b…
Jouni Mannonen
Cross-platform mobile game deve…
Aki Koskinen
Tangible Metrics through Data V…
Tapio Nurminen
Ideation: making your brain wor…
Petra Pälmä
Playful prototyping, the storie…
Tuomo Tammenpää
So you want to build an arcade…
Peter Smets
The role of HTML5 in game devel…
Pyry Lehdonvirta
Adobe gaming solutions
Tom Krcha
Amazing Alex: The journey from…
Kalle Kaivola
Good tool / bad master: tech an…
Olli Harjola
Advanced visual effects with Di…
Matt Swoboda
Making demos for advertising an…
Maarten Boon, Luc Schu…
Real-Time Graphics Everywhere (…
Bent Stamnes, Anders L…
Occlusion culling for the next…
Antti Hätälä
Unicorn7.org - The next step fo…
Julie Heyde, Tim Garbos
Powerful ideas - how (and why)…
Emilia Hjelm, Arto Vih…
Make real products in your brow…
Pekka Salokannel
Why build an entirely new game…
Alpo Oksanharju, Mikko…
Getting Started - hosted by Sta…
Antti Ylimutka, Mikko…
Panel: Game Jamming and social…
Annakaisa Kultima
Eemu Bertling